B i o g r a p h y
I currently operate three individual solo projects. Melankolia is the longest running, and by some standards, the most successful. James the Lesser was started in 2011 as an outlet for the desire to create more of a New Age/Spiritual sound. Alchemist, started in secret in 2010, has yielded four EP's , and concentrates on a fusion of ethereal and ritual soundscape. All three are of great importance to me, as hobbies turned projects usually are, and I feel I express myself adequately through each. More on each below. But first, just a few words about myself.
I was born in 1980, and began piano lessons at the age of 7. I was classically trained over the next 5 years by a very patient and capable teacher. At about the time that I had completed the first 4 levels of the curriculum, I began to feel inspired to create music of my own, as opposed to simply playing music created by others.
My tinkering was unproductive and unstructured, however. While I had the want to do it, I simply didn't have the attention to detail and proper structure to create effectively. I'm sorry to say that, while I played any piano I came across over the following years, I put my crativity on the back burner for over a decade.
Around 2001-2002, my wife Holly surprised me with a MIDI keyboard or my birthday. After a few months of intense, renewed interest, it pains me to say that the keyboard then collected dust for another 4 years, only coming out of the closet for short blasts of playing.
For whatever reason, sometime around 2006-2007, I started writing out some new ideas on paper. I began structures on my dad's piano, and eventually dusted of the keyboard and began learning how to record onto a computer. After much trial and error, I was able to produce a never-released demo Melankolia. It was 3 tracks, and has never be officially released. And so, it began. Here is a short history of the resulting projects:
Melankolia was started in early 2008. The want to create slowly but surely became an overarching need to create original music steeped in personal experience. There are 3 albums to date (10/12), Nokturnum (2008), Orpheus Down (2010), and III (2012). The future is unknown, but the music will continue.
James the Lesser began life in early 2011 as an outlet for my need to create more Spiritual/New Age music without the stigma of an established name. 2012 saw the net release of the EP Road of Verdant Praise. There will be more to come from this project.
Alchemist was started in secret in 2010. Currently, there are 4 EP's released through Sombre Soniks Studios, each focusing on one of the 4 Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Stay tuned for more